Friday, December 18, 2009

Sunburn Prep: Where'd Everything Go?

I made it to the winter solstice SunBurn grounds with the snowmobile - finally.

We've had A LOT of snow dumped in Deerwood Forest over the last three weeks. I could see where the burn pile was buried, but couldn't see where that big log was that I hope to carve into a canoe on the night of the burn. I mean start to carve on Dec. 21st.

I finally located the top of the log under about a foot
and a half of snow.

And with some effort, dug the snow away. I had dreams
of rolling it up closer to the bonfire location. No chance now.

I laugh because it's all a joke. I has to be a joke.
Just has to be!!!

Here's a photo of the burn pile as I found it.

Here's the after snow removal photo.

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