Friday, December 18, 2009

Casual Fridays

With mornings clocking in at - 25 C, the balaclava is a
must have. Or else my face hurts all the time. Dressing
up just to go outside is a major operation. It's nice not
to have to strap on the snow shoes.


  1. I hope you don't take anyone by surprise in that outfit! I think that look, together with the plastic bag of human remains = horror movie blockbuster.

    Thanks for all the snow pictures, Billy! It's rainy and 9 degrees here in the V-Rock! (althought last week somebody did see a snowflake and the entire city came to a grinding halt!).

    Have a good weekend.

  2. Ha! Thanks, Rob. Remember running around Winters' Res with our balaclavas, long underwear, elevator shoes and cod pieces? Good times.

    Wish I could get the old crazy look in my eyes again. Looks like I'm on ludes or something.

  3. Merciful Jesus - I do remember! Regulation army long-johns if memory serves - I remember scaring the crap out of George Brunton as we peered through the glass at the Ab! I think we must've shaved a day or two of his lifespan. I really think you're coming up with a real Blair Witch scenario (together with the grouse kill!)

  4. No! It wasn't balaclavas - it was ARMY FACE CAM out of the giant metal lipstick tube! we went "tactical" - It's all coming back to me now! Or did I just dream the whole thing...

  5. You're right - I mixed two things up with a longjohns connection:

    1) Right, I remember our face painting and hiding in the scrubs, looking in and Bruntons sheer terr-orr. I think that's when his grey started. Looks good on him, very distinguished. I remember tripping in the quad, my ankle rolling over the platform heels.

    2) Just me wandering around Winter's Res Third floor with only a balaclava, longjohns and a bottle of booze. Looking for action.
