Thursday, December 24, 2009

Adze Repair

After the double ax fiasco of SunBurn, I started to put the pieces back together again last night. By the light of the kerosene lamp, I took the metal axe head wedge out of the broad ax and performed surgery on the adze handle to get it operational.

Here's some close up shots of my dark ages effort to wedge the adze handle into the adze head.

Taking out the old, failed metal wedge from the adze head.

After cutting off the top of the wood handle - to get the old
wedge out - I saw a channel for the new wedge down the
center for the new metal wedge salvaged from the broad axe.

Now I carve down the wood handle so it will fit inside the adze head.

Old adze wedge (left) and new adze wedge (right).

It's hard to see, but this is a photo of the new adze wedge
hammered into wood handle top inside the adze head.
I bet it lasts longer than six strikes next time.