Friday, November 20, 2009

Puddle Jumping

Pulaski Axe and Co.

After a very rainy night, I spent the day doing long overdue sustainable irrigation of some woodland seeps.

Every year wind-thrown trees and fallen leaves choke up the flow of water pooling. And then there's...The Beaver Clan.

Leave the standing trees to drown? Not on my watch, babe.

Oh, and if Beaver Clan play their games, I can play mine.

Sketches of clan members from Fort Beaver.
Note small drawing of huge Fort Beaver in the
background as clan members guard the frontier.


  1. L.B.,

    is it just me, or have you been inspired by Bill Murray in 'Caddyshack'? Beavers, gophers; which is the peskier foe?


  2. S,

    You nailed it.

    I'm drawing pictures, planning sculptures (no C4), and while busting the nth beaver dam last night, mused that I should sew together a giant beaver costume, and start making with the shaman Beaver Clan channelling dances around the bonfire.

    I even use the Caddyshack voice, mumbling my curses about the beaver.

    At least it's funny.
